Thursday, 15 October 2015

Technology Concerns

We've all seen those movies, taking place in a dystopian world where machines somehow gained sentience and took over. Giant robots and machines controlling us, the way we controlled them. Technology is constantly evolving and it seems that every day there is something new. With how exponentially the world is advancing and thus, making our lives much, much easier, one sometimes wonders if all this is going to backfire on us?

Listening to all this, it does sound very bleak and perhaps also rather dramatic. But while giant robots with brains may not be a concern, the technology that so benefits us, is also bringing with it some cons. Negative impact of technology is not simply a fear of the future, it's something that's happening now.

With increased awareness nowadays, the general public also aware of it. In a survey conducted of fifteen hundred adults, done by Chapman University of Orange, California, out of the top five things Americans fear, three are technology related!

While corruption may take the top spot, Americans are increasingly worried about cyber terrorism, followed the invasion of privacy brought upon by tracking by both the corporate industry and the government. It is obvious privacy is incredibly important, and a future where one's every little detail is observed is indeed terrifying.

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