Saturday, 5 September 2015

Could Your Daily Smartphone Time Give You Cancer?

Working away on your laptop.

Catching up with your friends on your phone.

Watching that hilarious video your co worker sent.

Well, this just sounds like a typical day for most of us. Technology is advancing day by day, and why shouldn't we use the many benefits it has to offer, making our lives much easier.

But, could these innocent enough tasks be bringing deadly consequences for you? A new study shows that smartphones, tablets and laptops could give you skin cancer.

The crux of the study is that these devices could reflect light, thereby, exposing you more to harmful wavelengths that cause cancer. The study was done by Mary E. Logue from the University of New Mexico in Alberquerque and Dr Barret J. Zlotoff.

Most of us have heard of the harms of tanning, and the researchers think that these devices may reflect light like tanning reflectors.

The study was conducted by using a mannequin, wearing a UVA/B light meter and different objects were placed in front of it including an iPhone 5, different iPad models, Macbooks, magazines and a kindle. These devices were placed one by one on an empty music stand.

At a distance of 16.5 inches from the light meter, the magazine increased UV exposure by 46%, the Macbook by 75% and an iPad 2 by a whopping 85%.

UV rays have been linked to skin cancer and many know prevention is better than the cure.

Limit device usage to the indoors and when outside, make sure you are wearing sunscreen on all exposed areas.

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