Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Frontback Stays With An Anonymous Partner

After announcing  to discontinue its service on 15th August, 2015, the giant bipolar selfie app recently made a deal with an anonymous partner and guess what! The app is not going anywhere at least in foreseeable future.

Released two years ago, Frontback lets the user take  picture with both front and back cameras and then combines these images into a single frame for easy sharing.

 It was announced last week that the app was shutting down. Reason cited for this decision by founder Fredd della Faille was, “While we’ve seen exciting results with some communities, for most of the new members it takes too much time and effort to understand why Frontback is different, resulting in an infrequent use of our product. After discussions with our team and investors, we realized that we couldn’t reach the critical numbers that would make Frontback a sustainable social network.”

Details of this new team and their deal are confidential and will be disclosed in coming weeks, but one thing is known for sure. Frontback stays  and new partners are bringing in fresh ideas to make it bigger and better. 

The current message on frontback website says, “We just signed an agreement with a partner who believes as much as we do that there’s something incredible with Frontback. This partner is fully committed to make Frontback an even better place to share your moments, we were impressed by how much they understand the platform and we will help the new team to make the transition as smooth as possible.” Hence it’s simple people. Frontback stays open with new team coming up with fresh ideas to make this selfie app even better.

About the Author

Noor Zia

Editorial Team

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