Thursday, 6 August 2015

Pointer & Strings: Part Three

Continuing with the previous post, today we will further study pointers and strings.

Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic:

Pointer arithmetic is of the following types:

–Increment/decrement pointer  (++ or --)
–Add/subtract an integer to/from a pointer( + or += , - or -=)
–Pointers may be subtracted from each other
but remember that pointer arithmetic is meaningless unless performed on pointer to array
consider an example where there is a 5 element int array on a machine using 4 byte integer space.
vPtr points to first element v[ 0 ], which is at location 3000
Vptr = v or vptr = &v[0]
vPtr += 2; sets vPtr to 3008

vPtr points to v[ 2 ]
 when subtracting pointers (must both point to the same array, if not then LOGIC ERROR)
–Returns number of elements between two addresses
  vPtr2 = &v[ 2 ];
vPtr = &v[ 0 ];
vPtr2 -
vPtr = 2
As far as pointer assignment is concerned:
–Pointer can be assigned to another pointer if both are of same type
–If not of the same type, cast operator must be used
–Exception: Void Pointer: pointer to void (type void *)

Void Pointer: Pointer to void (type void *):

int nValue = 5;
void *pVoid = &nValue;    //no need for casting
// can not dereference pVoid because it is a void pointer
int *pInt = static_cast<int*>(pVoid); // cast from void* to int*

cout << *pInt << endl; // can dereference pInt

Void Pointer:

the code given below shows an example of void pointers:

void f (void *,void*,int);
int x=9,y=5;
char r='w',t='z';
void f(void* x, void* y, int sizeofptr)
int *nptr1, *nptr2;
char *nptr3, *nptr4;
if (sizeofptr == sizeof(int))
{ nptr1=(int* )x;
nptr2=(int* )y;
{nptr3=(char* )x;
nptr4=(char* )y;

Relationship between Arrays and Pointers:

Arrays and pointers are closely related:
        Array name is like a constant pointer
        Pointers can do array subscripting operations:
                                    int b[5];
                                    int *bptr;
You can point ‘bptr’ to array ‘b’ using either;
                                    bptr = b;    //remember name of array is constant pointer to address of the first                                                           location of array  
                                    bptr = &b[0];
Array elements can easily be accessed with pointers
        Element b[ n ] can be accessed by  *( bPtr + n )
          Called pointer/offset notation
          ‘n’ is the offset
          DO NOT forget the brackets, since * bPtr + n  will simply add n to *bPtr
        Accessing array addresses with pointers:
          &b[ 3 ] same as bPtr + 3
        Array name can be treated as pointer;
          b[ 3 ] same as *( b + 3 )
          This is possible since name of the array is a pointer itself.
        Pointers can be subscripted (pointer/subscript notation)
          bPtr[ 3 ] same as b[ 3 ]

Array of Pointers:

An array can contain pointers
–This is commonly used to store array of strings
char *suit[ 4 ] = {"Hearts", "Diamonds",
 "Clubs", "Spades" };
–Each element of suit points to char * (a string)
–Array does not store strings, only pointers to strings

suit array has fixed size, but strings can be of any size

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