Tuesday, 7 July 2015

iPhone 6 causes NBA star injury

We have heard of NBA careers ending because of severe injuries, but for the first time do we come across an NBA star claiming that technology caused a major setback to his career. The basketball star in question here is Matt Bonner.

Bonner is a forward for San Antonio Spurs. He has a percentage of 41.4 on three-point shots. But the recent season saw this figure dropping to a whopping 36.5. Now some may think this was due to some post injury trauma, or maybe a drop in his playing skills. But Bonner has another story to tell.

In a recent interview, when inquired about his season-ending injury of tennis elbow, the NBA star had to say this, “Everybody is going to find this hilarious, but here’s my theory on how I got it. When the new iPhone came out it was way bigger than the last one, and I think because I got that new phone it was a strain to use it, you have to stretch further to hit the buttons, and I honestly think that’s how I ended up developing it.”

Now as much as this seems like a sheepish claim at first sight, Bonner had the support of one of the team’s strength and conditioning coaches. The coach in question here also spoke to Matt about an injury he developed after excessive gaming on his new iPhone.

Their claim that the larger size of the new iPhone means more stretching to touch buttons on the screen, may not sound legit but one has to admit Bonner thinks he is making a pretty convincing case.

Now Apple may have sold 10 million of the latest phones in the first week of its launch, but they should look out for such further complaints. After all we don’t want our favorite NBA stars on the benches because of the iPhone 6 size, or do we?

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