Tuesday, 7 July 2015

C++ Control Structures

After discussing algorithms and pseudocode, let us move beyond simple programs, and learn to build more complex programs, of which control structures are an integral part.

Flow of Program
•Sequential execution
–Statements are normally executed in the order in which they are written
•Transfer of control
–You can specify, for example, Next statement to be executed IS NOT next one in sequence

Control Structures
          There are 3 control structures;
        Sequence structure
          Programs executed sequentially by default
        Selection structures
          if, if/else, switch
        Repetition structures
          while, do/while, for

          C++ keywords
        Cannot be used as identifiers or variable names

There are only two ways of combining control structures;
          Control Statement Stacking
        One control structure is followed by another control structure
        Control Statement Nesting
        One control structure is contained in another control structure

Sequence Structures
•Simplest of all
•This one is in place by default if no other control structure has been defined to alter the flow of your program
Key Rule : Execute instructions one by one in the order they appear in the source code

Selection Structures
Key Rule :Choose among alternative courses of actions
•Three selection statements available in C++
–Single Selection Statement :if
•Selects/ignores a single action

–Double Selection Statement :if/else
•Selects 1 out of 2 actions

–Multiple Selection Statement : switch
•Selects some out of many actions

'if' Selection Structure
              •      Pseudocode example:
                    If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
                    Print “Passed”
        If the condition is true
          Print statement executed, program continues to next statement
        If the condition is false
          Print statement ignored, program continues
                             Remember:  Select OR ignore a single action

          Translation into C++
                     If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
                     Print “Passed”
                      if ( grade >= 60 ) 
                  cout << "Passed";

          Diamond symbol (decision symbol)
        Indicates decision is to be made
        Contains an expression that can be true or false
          Test the condition and follow one of the two paths (True/False)

'if/else' Selection Structure
          Pseudocode Example:
              if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
              print “Passed”
              print “Failed”
             Remember:  Select 1 out of 2 actions

          C++ code
                if ( grade >= 60 )
               cout << "Passed";
               cout << "Failed";

          Conditional operator (?:)
        The only ternary operator in C++
        Operates on 3 operands
        Three Operands are (condition, value if true, value if false)

          Nested if/else structures
        One inside another, test for multiple cases
        Once condition met, other statements skipped
               if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90
               Print “A”
               if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80
               Print “B”
               if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70
              Print “C”
              if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
              Print “D”
              Print “F”
                if ( grade >= 90 )       // 90 and above
              cout << "A";
              else if ( grade >= 80 )  // 80-89
              cout << "B";
              else if ( grade >= 70 )  // 70-79
              cout << "C"; 
              else if ( grade >= 60 )  // 60-69
              cout << "D";
              else                     // less than 60
              cout << "F";

          Compound statement/ Block
        Set of statements within a pair of braces
               if ( grade >= 60 ) {
              cout << "Passed.\n";      
              else {
              cout << "Failed.\n";
              cout << "You must take this course again.\n";
        Without braces,
              cout << "You must take this course again.\n";
              Will always be executed

Dangling 'else' Problem
Remember : C++ compiler always associates an ‘else’ with the immediately preceding ‘if’

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