Monday, 11 May 2015

How the Internet works?

Ever watched matrix??? All the machines connected and massive warehouses??? So the Internet is like that but less creepy. There is an endless network of servers that store all the info, the Internet can possibly have.
  • Websites
  • Images
  • Audio
  • Videos
The way to access those servers is through a browser. Probably, you are using Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox since they are the most common.

Do you see the bar in the picture???

We call the text written there the “Address”, yes like your home but this time it’s for computers. When you type your favorite website at the bar, what happens is that your browser goes to the server where the address is hosted.

The servers send the info has, but in lines of code almost nobody can understand. That’s your browser job to translate that code in the text, images, videos and so on you’re looking for.

So let’s recap:
  • Internet is a bunch of things stored in servers that are connected between them
  • The way to see, what’s in those servers is through your browser
  • Which translates the info of the servers in text, images and videos

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